As a Boricua Chicana, my Call to Justice began as a child in the barrios and valleys of Los Angeles. That upbringing focused on our cultural values of collaboration, integrity and liberation. Currently, I am a Co-Lead Minister at the Church of the Larger Fellowship Unitarian Universalist. Previously I've served as Director of Administration and Finance at the Unitarian Universalist church in Charlottesville, Virginia and as Director of Religious Education at the UU Fellowship of Waynesboro. I've also been a marketing and IT professional.
In 2014 I was the first Latina elected to the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Board of Trustees, re-elected to a second term in 2017, and appointed Secretary of the Association. In 2017 I wrote an essay “On being a good ‘fit’ for the UUA”, calling out the white supremacy in hiring decisions at the UUA. This essay went on to receive national news coverage as more and more focus was brought to faith-based organizations dealing with white supremacy culture in their midst.
As a response to the UUA turmoil, I co-created with Aisha Hauser and Kenny Wiley the #UUWhiteSupremacyTeachIn. The UUTeachIn is a collaborative effort of religious educators, created to organize and support congregations in their efforts at identifying and addressing white supremacy within their structures.
In 2018, I founded Called to Justice, a faith-based coaching group focused on impactful Leadership Development for churches, non-profits and other organizations committed to justice.
My goal for Called to Justice is to develop lasting relationships with organizations and support you as you move deeper into understanding how white supremacy culture impacts your organization.
I specialize in assessing your organization, co-creating effective plans for actively dismantling structural inequality, and coaching your leadership team through a process that is liberating, challenging, and joyful. At times, I collaborate with other coaches who bring specific skill sets which may be needed for your particular organization.
My husband Chris and twin sons Andreas and Miguel, along with the ancestors, are the foundational support for my calling to justice ministry.
Christina Rivera
Founder, Called to Justice